Happy #GivingTuesday darlings! If you’ve been around a few years, you know about our #DDBgives tradition and I am so excited to be adding to it this year.   In 2018, I started a tradition of nominating someone in need of new clothes. It could be someone who had a hard year or someone who just needed extra love during the holiday season. Through the years, we have sent out thousands of dollars worth of new merchandise to those in need all over the U.S.! It is my absolute favorite tradition and I am so excited for this year!

This year, we are continuing our #DDBgives tradition. To nominate someone in need, please email at hello@dakotadarling.com. Tell us why you think your nominee deserves to win free clothes. All information will be kept confidential including your information, so the winners are truly surprised. Tis the season! We will send the winners several pieces of new clothing! We work hard with the information provided to give pieces that accommodate the winner’s needs. <3 

I am so excited to add to #DDBgives. Our program has quickly grown over the years and we have had to turn down many nominations because we did not have enough in our budget.This year, we have added Darling Bags to the website/app for purchase. Your purchase of $30 will include at least three items for our nominees. The more bags purchased, the more lives we can touch. Each Darling Bag is $30 and the items will be donated directly to those who are in need.

Thank you so much for your help and being a part of our #DDBgives. It is my absolute favorite tradition through the entire year! I am so excited to make the holidays brighter for those in need.

Vanessa Barkl