Guess who’s 5?! We are! 

I honestly don’t have the words to express how amazing the past five years have been. I started Dakota Darling Boutique when I was 23 and had been married for just over a year. I was busy working five jobs and wanted something more...crazy right?! We officially launched Dakota Darling Boutique on October 1, 2017 on a dime and prayer.
And WOW, five years later, I have tears
just thinking about where we came from and where we’ve gone. Within five years of business, we’ve shipped to all fifty states and internationally. We have traveled thousands of miles for shows across the Midwest. We custom built out our beautiful mobile boutique - Dolly Parkin, designed our own clothing line, moved to a warehouse and have been recognized as a top leading online and mobile boutique all while remaining debt free. If this is only the beginning, I can’t wait to see what the next 50 years bring! (Hopefully I’ll be retired by then LOL)
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for shopping with us over the years. Your support truly means the world to me and
I thank God for each and every customer who shops with us whether you’re an online shopper or visit us at every show. I am so thankful for you! It has been a true joy to serve you and I have loved meeting so many of you through the years.
Thank you again for being here. I am beyond grateful for all the love + support you have shown Dakota Darling.
xo, Vanessa